裁判スラング Smuggling: 密輸

Smuggling: 密輸



今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. He was caught smuggling drugs across the border. (彼は国境を越えて麻薬を密輸しているところを捕まった。)
2. The smugglers hid the stolen goods in a secret compartment of their truck. (密輸業者たちは盗品をトラックの秘密の仕切りに隠した。)
3. The airport security found a large amount of cash in his luggage, suspecting he was smuggling money. (空港のセキュリティは彼の荷物から大量の現金を見つけ、彼がお金を密輸していると疑った。)
4. The police intercepted a boat carrying illegal immigrants that was attempting to smuggle them into the country. (警察は、不法移民を密輸しようとしていた船を拿捕した。)
5. The customs officers searched the truck and found a hidden compartment filled with contraband cigarettes. (税関職員はトラックを捜索し、密輸のタバコが詰まった隠し仕切りを見つけた。)

聞く👂裁判 今だけ無料



1. Breaking Bad (TV series) – In the show, smuggling is a recurring theme as the main character, Walter White, becomes involved in the illegal drug trade and must smuggle drugs across the border from Mexico.

2. Narcos (TV series) – The show follows the story of drug lord Pablo Escobar and his smuggling operations, including the transportation of cocaine from Colombia to the United States.

3. The Mule (movie) – The movie tells the story of an elderly man who becomes a drug mule for a Mexican cartel, smuggling drugs across the border in his truck.

4. Ocean’s Eleven (movie) – In the movie, the main characters plan a heist to steal millions of dollars from a casino vault, which involves smuggling equipment and disguises into the casino.

5. The Departed (movie) – The movie features a subplot involving the smuggling of drugs and weapons by a criminal organization, which is investigated by an undercover police officer.

