裁判スラング Blackmail: 恐喝

Blackmail: 恐喝



今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. He tried to blackmail me into giving him money by threatening to reveal my secrets. 彼は私の秘密を暴露すると脅して、お金を渡すように恐喝しようとした。
2. The politician was caught in a blackmail scandal when his affair was exposed. 政治家は不倫が暴露され、恐喝スキャンダルに巻き込まれた。
3. She was a victim of blackmail when her ex-boyfriend threatened to release intimate photos of her. 彼女は元彼氏によって、プライベートな写真を公開されると脅され、恐喝の被害者になった。
4. The company was accused of using blackmail tactics to force their employees to work overtime without pay. その会社は従業員に無給で残業を強要するために、恐喝的な手法を使っていると非難された。
5. The criminal was arrested for attempting to blackmail a wealthy businessman by threatening to harm his family. 犯罪者は、家族を傷つけると脅して、裕福なビジネスマンを恐喝しようとしたため、逮捕された。

聞く👂裁判 今だけ無料



1. Breaking Bad (TV series) – In season 2, episode 6, Walter White blackmails his former student, Jesse Pinkman, into partnering with him in the drug business by threatening to reveal his involvement to the police.

2. House of Cards (TV series) – In season 1, episode 1, Frank Underwood blackmails a congressman into supporting his bid for Secretary of State by threatening to reveal his extramarital affair.

3. The Godfather (film) – In the famous horse head scene, Don Corleone blackmails a movie producer into giving his godson a role in a film by threatening to ruin his career.

4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (film) – In the climax of the movie, Lisbeth Salander blackmails her former guardian, Nils Bjurman, into giving her control of her finances by threatening to reveal his sexual abuse of her.

5. Better Call Saul (TV series) – In season 2, episode 8, Jimmy McGill blackmails his brother, Chuck, into dropping his lawsuit against him by threatening to reveal his mental illness to the bar association.

