turn a blind eye – 目をつぶる、見て見ぬ振りをする


「turn a blind eye」の由来や語源については諸説あります。一つの説としては、イギリス海軍の指揮官であったホレーショ・ネルソンが、自身の盲目の目を使って敵艦隊を発見したという逸話から来ていると言われています。また、別の説としては、17世紀にイギリスの海賊が、敵船の接近を察知したにも関わらず、盲目を装って船を通過させたことが由来とされています。しかし、どちらの説も確証はなく、真相は不明です。

今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. He turned a blind eye to the cheating in the exam.

2. The company turned a blind eye to the employee’s harassment complaints.

3. The teacher turned a blind eye to the students’ misbehavior in the classroom.

4. The government turned a blind eye to the pollution caused by the factories.

5. The police officer turned a blind eye to the illegal parking on the street.




1. Breaking Bad (TV series) – In season 5, episode 7, “Say My Name,” Walter White turns a blind eye to the fact that his former partner, Jesse Pinkman, is being held captive by a rival drug dealer.

2. The Godfather (film) – In one of the most famous scenes from the film, Don Corleone turns a blind eye to the violence and corruption that his family engages in, saying, “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

3. The Handmaid’s Tale (TV series) – In season 1, episode 3, “Late,” the Commander turns a blind eye to the fact that Offred is reading, even though it is forbidden for women in their society.

4. The Shawshank Redemption (film) – In the climactic scene of the film, the warden turns a blind eye to the fact that Andy Dufresne has escaped from prison, covering up the evidence and pretending that nothing has happened.

5. Mad Men (TV series) – In season 2, episode 4, “Three Sundays,” Don Draper turns a blind eye to the fact that his daughter Sally has been misbehaving, choosing to spend time with her rather than disciplining her.

