on the rebound – 破局後の即座の新しい関係


「On the rebound」は、元々はバスケットボールの用語で、リバウンドしたボールを再びキャッチすることを指します。この用語は、破局した恋愛関係からすぐに新しい恋愛関係に入ることを表すスラングとしても使われるようになりました。具体的な語源は不明ですが、この意味の使用は20世紀初頭にまで遡ることができます。諸説あります。

今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. After her breakup, she jumped on the rebound and started dating someone new right away. (彼女は別れた直後に新しい人と付き合い始め、すぐに破局後の即座の新しい関係に入った。)
2. He’s not looking for anything serious, just a rebound after his divorce. (彼は真剣なものを探していない、ただ離婚後の破局後の即座の新しい関係が欲しいだけだ。)
3. She regrets getting into a rebound relationship so quickly after her breakup. (彼女は別れた直後に破局後の即座の新しい関係に入ったことを後悔している。)
4. He’s still not over his ex-girlfriend, but he’s using the rebound as a distraction. (彼はまだ元カノを忘れられないが、破局後の即座の新しい関係を気晴らしにしている。)
5. They both knew their relationship was just a rebound, but they enjoyed each other’s company for a little while. (彼らは両方とも関係が破局後の即座の新しい関係であることを知っていたが、しばらくの間お互いの付き合いを楽しんだ。)




1. Friends (TV series) – In season 4, episode 1, after Ross and Rachel break up, Rachel starts dating a guy named Paolo. However, her friends suspect that she is just on the rebound and not really over Ross.

2. How I Met Your Mother (TV series) – In season 3, episode 3, Ted starts dating a girl named Natalie right after breaking up with Robin. However, he soon realizes that he is just on the rebound and not really interested in Natalie.

3. The Break-Up (movie) – In this movie, after Gary and Brooke break up, they both start dating other people on the rebound. However, they soon realize that they still have feelings for each other.

4. Sex and the City (TV series) – In season 4, episode 11, Carrie starts dating a guy named Jack right after breaking up with Aidan. However, she soon realizes that she is just on the rebound and not really over Aidan.

5. Crazy, Stupid, Love (movie) – In this movie, after Cal and Emily break up, Emily starts dating a guy named David on the rebound. However, she soon realizes that she still has feelings for Cal.

