off the top – 即興で、準備なしで


off the topの由来や語源については諸説あります。一つの説としては、ヘアスタイルに関する言葉で、髪の毛の上部を指して「off the top」と言うことがあるため、それが転じて「即興で、準備なしで」という意味になったという説があります。また、釣りの際に魚を水中から引き上げる際に、魚が飛び出すことがあるため、それを表現する言葉としても使われるようになったという説もあります。しかし、はっきりとした語源は不明です。

今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. I had to give a speech off the top of my head because I didn’t have time to prepare.

2. The comedian was so good at improvising that he could come up with jokes off the top of his head.

3. I didn’t have a plan for the weekend, so we just decided to go on a road trip off the top of our heads.

4. The chef didn’t have a recipe for the dish, so he had to cook it off the top of his head.

5. During the interview, I was asked a question that I wasn’t prepared for, so I had to answer it off the top of my head.




1. The comedian performed off the top jokes during his stand-up routine, improvising on current events and audience reactions.

2. In the movie, the actors had to do an off the top scene where they were stranded on a desert island and had to come up with a plan to survive.

3. During the live music performance, the band members played off the top, creating new melodies and improvising on the spot.

4. In the TV show, the host conducted an off the top interview with a celebrity guest, asking unexpected questions and reacting to their answers in real-time.

5. The improv group put on a hilarious off the top sketch, taking suggestions from the audience and creating a completely new scene each time.

