Stay on track – 目的を見失わずに進みましょう



今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. I know it’s tempting to take a break, but let’s stay on track and finish this project on time. (休憩を取るのは誘惑されるかもしれませんが、目的を見失わずにプロジェクトを時間内に終わらせましょう。)
2. Don’t get sidetracked by other tasks, let’s stay on track and focus on what’s important. (他のタスクに気を取られないで、大事なことに集中しましょう。)
3. It’s easy to lose sight of our goals, but we need to stay on track and keep pushing forward. (目標を見失いやすいですが、進み続けるために目的を見失わずに続けましょう。)
4. Let’s not get distracted by small setbacks, we need to stay on track and keep working towards our objective. (小さな挫折に気を取られないで、目的を見失わずに目標に向かって取り組みましょう。)
5. We have a clear plan in place, so let’s stay on track and execute it flawlessly. (明確な計画があるので、目的を見失わずに完璧に実行しましょう。)




1. Breaking Bad – In the scene where Walter White tells Jesse Pinkman to stay on track and not get distracted by their personal issues, as they work together to cook meth and make money.

2. The Pursuit of Happyness – In the scene where Chris Gardner encourages his son to stay on track and not give up on their dreams, despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks.

3. The Social Network – In the scene where Mark Zuckerberg’s business partner, Eduardo Saverin, warns him to stay on track and not let his obsession with success and fame ruin their friendship and company.

4. The Wolf of Wall Street – In the scene where Jordan Belfort’s mentor, Mark Hanna, advises him to stay on track and not let his greed and excesses lead to his downfall.

5. Moneyball – In the scene where Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s, tells his team to stay on track and focus on their strategy, despite facing criticism and skepticism from others in the baseball industry.

