kick up a fuss- 大騒ぎをする、騒動を起こす


諸説あります。一つの説によると、”kick up”は”起こす”という意味で、”fuss”は”騒ぎ”という意味であり、この表現は”騒ぎを起こす”という意味で使われるようになったとされています。また、”fuss”が”騒ぎ”の意味で使われるようになった理由については、明確な説明はありません。

今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. When the restaurant served me cold food, I kicked up a fuss and demanded a refund.

2. The parents kicked up a fuss when they found out the school was cutting music and art classes.

3. The passengers kicked up a fuss when the flight was delayed for several hours without any explanation.

4. The workers kicked up a fuss when the company announced a pay cut without consulting them first.

5. The customers kicked up a fuss when the store refused to accept returns without a receipt.




1. ドラマ「Suits(スーツ)」- シーズン3、エピソード7

シーン:主人公のMike Rossが、裁判所での証言を拒否するために、裁判官に対して大騒ぎを起こす。

Mike Ross: “I’m not answering any more questions until I speak to my lawyer! This is a violation of my rights and I won’t stand for it!”

Judge: “Mr. Ross, you need to calm down and answer the questions.”

Mike Ross: “No, I won’t! I’m not going to let you railroad me into saying something I don’t want to say. I’ll kick up a fuss if I have to!”

2. 映画「The Devil Wears Prada(プラダを着た悪魔)」


Andy: “I’m sorry, Miranda, but I can’t keep doing this. I’m exhausted and I don’t feel like I’m making any progress.”

Miranda: “Excuse me? You don’t feel like you’re making any progress? Do you have any idea how many people would kill for your job?”

Andy: “I understand that, but I’m not happy. And I think it’s time we had a conversation about what I need to do to feel fulfilled in my work.”

Miranda: “Oh, you want to kick up a fuss? Fine. But don’t expect me to make it easy for you.”

3. ドラマ「Breaking Bad(ブレイキング・バッド)」- シーズン2、エピソード5

シーン:主人公のWalter Whiteが、義理の兄であるHankに対して、自分の家に勝手に入られたことに対して怒りをぶつける。

Walter White: “What the hell, Hank? You can’t just barge into my house like that!”

Hank: “I had a warrant, Walt. You know that.”

Walter White: “I don’t care if you had a warrant. You still need to show some respect for my property. And now you’ve gone and kicked up a fuss with my wife and kids. Thanks a lot.”

