vine – 短い面白動画を共有するアプリ(2017年に終了)



今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. “I spent hours scrolling through Vine last night, watching all the hilarious videos people had shared.” (昨晩はVineで数時間過ごして、人々が共有した面白い動画を見ていた。)
2. “My favorite Vine of all time is that one where the guy jumps into the pool and his friend throws a cat at him.” (私の一番好きなVineは、男がプールに飛び込んで友達が猫を投げるというものだ。)
3. “Vine was the perfect app for sharing short, funny moments with your friends.” (Vineは、友達と短くて面白い瞬間を共有するための完璧なアプリだった。)
4. “I miss Vine so much – it was such a great source of entertainment and laughter.” (Vineがとても恋しい – それはとても素晴らしい娯楽と笑いの源だった。)
5. “Even though Vine is no longer around, its legacy lives on through the countless viral videos it inspired.” (Vineはもう存在しないけれど、それがインスパイアした無数のバイラル動画を通じて、その遺産は生き続けている。)




1. In the TV show “Black Mirror,” the character Mia creates a viral Vine video that leads to her downfall.

2. In the movie “The Internship,” the main characters use Vine to show off their skills during a Google internship competition.

3. In the comedy series “Broad City,” the characters use Vine to document their daily lives and share funny moments with their followers.

4. In the drama film “Nerve,” the main character Vee participates in a dangerous online game where she is dared to create a viral Vine video.

5. In the TV show “New Girl,” the character Schmidt becomes obsessed with creating the perfect Vine video to impress his crush, Cece.

