Plagiarism – 盗作



今日のタメ口英語 笑笑笑



1. I can’t believe he copied and pasted that entire essay from the internet. That’s blatant plagiarism. (彼がネットからそのエッセイをコピー&ペーストしたことに驚きます。それは明らかな盗作です。)
2. The author was accused of plagiarism after it was discovered that his book had significant similarities to another author’s work. (その著者は、彼の本が別の著者の作品と類似点があることが発覚した後、盗作の疑いをかけられました。)
3. The student received a failing grade on the assignment due to plagiarism. (その生徒は盗作のために課題について不可となりました。)
4. The company fired the employee for plagiarism after discovering that he had copied and pasted a competitor’s marketing strategy. (その会社は、競合他社のマーケティング戦略をコピー&ペーストしたことが発覚した後、盗作のために従業員を解雇しました。)
5. The artist was sued for plagiarism after it was discovered that he had copied a famous painting and passed it off as his own. (その芸術家は、有名な絵画をコピーして自分の作品として認めたことが発覚した後、盗作で訴えられました。)




1. The Big Bang Theory (TV show) – In one episode, Sheldon plagiarizes a paper written by Leonard and presents it as his own work. This causes tension between the two friends and leads to a hilarious confrontation.

2. The Da Vinci Code (movie) – The main character, Robert Langdon, is accused of plagiarism by a rival historian who claims that Langdon stole his research for his best-selling book. Langdon must prove his innocence while unraveling a conspiracy involving the Catholic Church.

3. The Simpsons (TV show) – In an episode, Bart plagiarizes a story written by Lisa and wins a writing contest. When Lisa finds out, she confronts Bart and teaches him a valuable lesson about the importance of honesty and hard work.

4. Good Will Hunting (movie) – The main character, Will Hunting, is a genius who works as a janitor at MIT. When he solves a difficult math problem that stumps the professors, he is accused of plagiarism. Will must prove that he is the true author of the solution and confront his own insecurities in the process.

5. Glee (TV show) – In one episode, the character Rachel Berry plagiarizes a song written by her ex-boyfriend and presents it as her own. When the truth is revealed, Rachel must face the consequences of her actions and make amends with her ex-boyfriend.

